Healthy habits lead to stronger data security. Like a doctor’s advice, keeping healthy routines makes for a longer-lasting life with fewer problems, and the same can be said for managing ERP data security. Healthy security habits help keep issues away. Whether your ERP system is on-premises or in the cloud, they both need to be maintained to protect your data. Data security is more important than ever and partnering with your ERP provider can help ensure your business data is kept safe. Keep the following habits in mind to ensure your ERP system remains secure.
- Change Management
When implementing an ERP system, one of the most important items to address is change management to ensure that all workers and teams understand the importance of utilizing the system’s capabilities and how to use them. A strong investment in training and frequent communication can ensure that everyone is on board and follows protocol. A good plan includes what information should be communicated, why and to whom. There is nothing worse than having employees find workarounds because they don’t fully understand how to utilize new software. Training should be an ongoing routine to ensure the inclusion of new team members and refresh information for current employees.
- Two-Factor Authentication
Stay secure on every level. Two Factor Authentication (2FA) and investing in attribute-based accessed controls can keep your company accountable to sensitive data and customer information. Two-factor authentication requires secure logins by preventing password sharing and a maintained accreditation log with authorizations and checklists for new hires, promotions, and role changes. This helps keep unauthorized access to a minimum. The level of data access afforded to employees should also be considered, giving them read-only access to your organization’s most important information and updating the status of workers who become lost through promotions or department changes.
- Keep Remote Workers in Mind
Another component of your ERP’s health routine should include the consideration of remote work. A business is at risk when it lacks a strong and established remote workforce strategy. An on-premises ERP system means that remote workers must use a VPN to ensure data security. With a cloud-based ERP system, workers have access to the network from anywhere. Built-in firewalls, encryption and automated security features make cloud-based ERP data security tight.
- Industry-Specific Software
Industry-specific ERP solutions offer capabilities custom-made for your industry and offer the same essential features such as inventory management, human resources, and accounting. With an ERP customized to your industry, information is streamlined, giving your company the benefit of software that works intuitively with your business needs.
- Communication
Perform health checks and communicate with your ERP vendor. This means having a strong performance monitoring system in place, which includes knowing your baseline of trends and peaks (including seasons) so that there’s no question about what unusual activity looks like. Communicate with your ERP vendor to be sure everyone knows that security roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. It’s easy for critical functions to go unattended if all responsibilities are not clearly allocated. A corporate-wide security audit will also identify any gaps in your overall security strategy.
- Compliance
Keep proactive tabs on compliance issues. Compliance violations are considered law-breaking and pose a significant risk for many businesses, especially those in heavily regulated industries. An ERP solution can reduce the risk of compliance variance by monitoring materials and processes such as supply chains and making sure they conform to regulatory mandates. Businesses can also set up alerts when a non-compliance action takes place, enabling a company to make adjustments before any issues arise.
Our team at Decision Resources, Inc. has the expertise and experience to ensure your ERP has what it takes to fulfill your company needs and customer expectations while keeping your data secure. To learn more about ERP systems and how they can help keep your data secure, call 412-562-9660, or email us at info@decision.com.